Registered delegates

Registered delegates come to the print terminals with their QR Code vouchers. The majority will be individual registered delegates but some might be part of a group registration.

IMPORTANT: Group QR Code vouchers must also be scanned at the print terminals, BUT if there is any problem with a group delegate send them directly to the Group Registration counters.

  1. Delegates scan their QR Code in order to print the name badge.
  2. Lanyard, Pocket Programme and bag can be collected at the end of the row of terminals.
  3. Public transportation ticket can be picked-up at the Public Transportation counter.

⇒ If a delegate doesn’t have their QR Code, please ask one of the core hostesses to check the online registration database.

Problems that may occur:


Hostess services

Picture of Daniela Eichleitner

Daniela Eichleitner

Phone: +49 17 37 12 31 06
