Registered delegates
Registered delegates come to the print terminals with their QR Code vouchers. The majority will be individual registered delegates but some might be part of a group registration.
IMPORTANT: Group QR Code vouchers must also be scanned at the print terminals, BUT if there is any problem with a group delegate send them directly to the Group Registration counters.
- Delegates scan their QR Code in order to print the name badge.
- Lanyard, Pocket Programme and bag can be collected at the end of the row of terminals.
- Public transportation ticket can be picked-up at the Public Transportation counter.
⇒ If a delegate doesn’t have their QR Code, please ask one of the core hostesses to check the online registration database.
Problems that may occur:
- Person wants to pick-up name badges for other delegates – can be done as long as the person has all QR codes
- The name badge cannot be printed – check the QR code voucher and send delegate over to ENQUIRIES (Individual QR code voucher) OR GROUP REGISTRATION (Group QR code voucher)
- Name badge has been printed badly (print out doesn’t look nice, etc.) ask one of the core hostesses to print the badge again
- Name on the badge is misspelled, send delegate to ENQUIRIES (Individual QR code voucher) OR GROUP REGISTRATION (Group QR code voucher)
- Delegates with an EASD Faculty QR code voucher have to be sent to the EASD Faculty counter to collect their material
- Delegates with an exhibitor/industry registration must be sent to the Interplan Industry Counter
- Delegates with an Community Plaza confirmation must be sent to the Interplan Industry Counter
- Delegates with a virtual confirmation need to be sent to ENQUIRIES (Individual QR code voucher) OR GROUP REGISTRATION (Group QR code voucher)