An abstract is a written summary of a scientific paper. This must be submitted by the author in advance of the conference and approved by the program committee. The abstracts will be presented on site either as an (e-)poster or as a short talk.
Many congresses have allotments at various hotels. Please see the congress specific information for more details.
The name badge is the admission ticket to the congress. Some courses and most of the evening events have an extra admission controll. Please read the congress-specific information to get all information regarding your conference.
For many congresses there is a congress app with all information on exhibitors, program, presenters, speakers, opening hours, etc. For more information, see the congress-specific description.
Certificate of attendance:
Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance or a CME confirmation after the congress. Please refer to the congress-specific contents to find out how and when participants will receive these.
Chair / Moderator:
A chair (or moderator) moderates the scientific sessions. They are always sitting in the front / or on stage during a session. They are responsible for time management and coordinate the discussion at the end of each lecture.
CME Certificates:
On this certificate, the CME points, which the participant has received, are confirmed and listed.
CME credits (Continuous Medical Education):
Every doctor in Germany receives a number (EFN) from the responsible medical association. S/he is required to collect points, so-called EFN points.
Every day the namebadge of the doctor has to be scanned at the provided stations. Often even twice a day.
The points are automatically forwarded by us to the medical association (if the EFN is deposited with us).
Code of Transparency:
Some industrial companies are members of the FSA ( Voluntary Self-Regulation for the Pharmaceutical Industry e.V.). The FSA requires that these companies disclose the amount of sponsorship to participants. This means that the companies that are members of the FSA must publish the amount sponsored.
At some congresses, conference bags are distributed that are equipped with information and writing materials. These bags are handed out to the participants or are available at the information desk.
Delegate Service Desk:
The registration desk is the first contact point for the participants. Participants can register themselves for the conference, make additional bookings or ask their question here.
The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) represents the European pharmaceutical industry.
Due to the direct membership of 36 national associations and 39 leading pharmaceutical companies, EFPIA has set itself the task of creating a collaborative environment. That enables their members to invent, discover, develop and deliver new therapies and vaccines for all Europeans. In addition, they want to contribute to the European economy.
The vision of the EFPIA is a healthier future for Europe. A future that is based on prevention, innovation, access to new treatments and a better outcome for patients.
Ethical MedTech:
EthicalMedTech is a platform supported by MedTech Europe that deals with ethics and compliance projects in the medtech industry.
Exhibition Area:
As part of the congresses an industrial exhibition takes place. Industrial companies can present their products and establish contacts.
Many congresses have allotments at various hotels. Please see the congress-specific information to find out about your congress’ allotments.
Hostesses are very important for us on site. They are helping us in the final spurt.
On-site, the hostesses are divided into different positions, such as conference-room service, registration desk, admission control and many more.
Industry Sponsored Symposia:
A symposia is a session in the program organized by a company. The symposia are freely accessible for all participants. Scientific presentations of special products or preparations of this company are provided.
Media Check:
At the media check the speakers submit their presentations. Furthermore, they have the opportunity to adjust and to work on it once more. From there the talks will be send in the lecture rooms.
Moderator / Chair:
Chairs (or moderator) moderate the scientific sessions. They are always sitting in the front / or on stage during a session. They are responsible for time management and coordinate the discussion at the end of each lecture.
Name Badges:
All participants will receive a name badge which entitles them to access the congress. The badge will either be mailed to you in advance, or there are self-print stations, or attendees will need to pick one up at the convention office. Please note the congress specific information.
Fundamentally: No participant is allowed to enter the congress area without a name badge. If someone is without a name badge, please politely send them to the conference office.
Poster / Poster Exhibition:
At many congresses a part of the accepted abstracts will be presented as a poster in the poster area. Please, inform yourself on the conference-specific information if there will be a official poster session or something similar.
The press can accredit themselves at the registration desk.
Selfprint station:
Selfprint stations mean that the participants receive a barcode in advance by e-mail. With this barcode they can print out their namebadge at the stations onsite.
Social Event:
At every conference, evening events or framework program are being held. You will find more information about the social programm in the congress-specific information.
The speakers are the presenter of the scientific sessions.
see Industry Sponsored Symposia